Special tickets

Refs & scouts


Referee at heart? One ticket will be provided per referee card.

More info


Clubs can request scouting cards through the match organiser.

More info


Normal match

For regular matches, applications should be received at the latest three working days before the start of the match while stocks last.

No applications will be processed by STVV on the day of the match itself. Best to bring e-mail proof on the match day.

De houders van een doorlopende uitnodigingskaart moeten hun aanwezigheid schriftelijk melden.

Ticket request

Cup match

Until the 1/16 finals, one can present oneself the day of the competition without prior application (without counter-notification in Sportleven).

From the 1/16 finals onwards, a written application must be submitted to the RBFA accompanied by a copy of your invitation card.

After review, we will send your application to the home club. The ticket can be collected at the venue, the day of the match.

Ticket request


Normal match

Scouting requests should be made via an email to invite@stvv.com. Please be sure to include the following information: name and date of birth of the scout, name of the agency/club, address of the agency/club, mobile number of the agency/club.

The application must be submitted up to three working days before the start of the competition.

Ticket request

Cup match

Scouting requests should be made via an email to invite@stvv.com. Please be sure to include the following information: name and date of birth of the scout, name of the agency/club, address of the agency/club, mobile number of the agency/club.

The application must be submitted up to three working days before the start of the competition.

Ticket request